Sunday, June 23

Wrap Up

Fight Fight Fight
June is coming to an end 

Well, I've came across too many emotions in a month. 
Tired of fighting anymore. 

Just leave me alone, and I will slowly find back my soul. 

Enthusiastic, motivated, and then .... 
disappointed, demotivated, lose hope, and gave up. 

Time to wrap up everything, and kick start a new journey of mine. 

Hang on there, rainbow always come after the storm. 
You will have your turn. 

Monday, June 3

Hello June !

It's June already. 
Stepping in June make me realised that time passed fast. 

May was harsh to me, to all of us. 
Complaining non stop. But it doesn't help either. 

Truly disappointed and demotivated.

It's June, wake up Winnie. 
Life goes on. 
Be tough. Be firm. Be Strong.
